Tonight was a tough one. We had yet another going away party for truly one of my best Marriott friends. Jason was the first friend I made at the Hotel and next to Bowz, he's taught me just about everything that I know about the hospitality biz. I never had to worry about a guest issue or anything because this loveable goofball that could've been my brother was always there to take care of it. I refuse to get emotional becuase then I'll have to admit how much I will miss him, but tonight it was all about the fun. We had a great night with some of the best of the "Larriott" crew. In the pic with Jason is our own Nancy Byrd. The other pic is one of my newest favorites. Here, we have my Bowser, me and the fabulous Steve Miller, GM of the GORGEOUS Ross Bridge in Hoover. That's where Jason will be headed. We had such a fun time tonight with Bowz entertaining us with all his best stories. My boss is the best story teller in the world. Seriously. He could tell a story about just about anything and make you cry from laughing. 

There is a lot more that I could say... just saying goodbye was a story all of its own, but I'll keep that one to myself for now. I'll miss ya, Buddy! Love You!!!
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