Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mark Lowry - In Concert!

Tonight was fun. We loaded up and went to Decatur for a Mark Lowry concert. As always, he was perfectly hysterical. I couldn't get a really good pic of him; however, I did get a good shot of the baptistry. I thought it was so pretty! My favorite part of the concert was when Mark said, "Aren't you glad God doesn't just judge us on our worst days?" Even on our best days we aren't as good as we think we are. Just imagine what we'd get if we were only judged on the bad days. :0)

For Yesterday...

Ok, I'm cheating. Normally when I miss a day, I just skip that day. (Obviously) However, I didn't want to pass this one up. I made them all pose for me and everything, then didn't have enought time to post it yesterday. These are my pals from the 360 Grille. Finest dining restaurant in Florence... probably North Alabama for that matter. From left to right, we have Kristy, Natasha, and my 3 favorite boys in the Tower, Robby, Chris Fowler, and Brian Tallman. They are so much fun and so funny!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Girl Scout Cookies!

When my appetite comes back, it comes back with a VENGENCE! There's no shame in eating an entire box of Girl Scout cookies in one day is there?! The Classic Samoas used to be my all time favorites; however, last year the Girl Scouts rolled out the Dulce de Leche cookie. These things are fantastic. Greatest most wonderful cookies ever. I would dare to say this is the second greatest thing the Girl Scouts have ever done... the first of course being the invention of the S'More. Really, these are worth $3.50 a box. I would highly recommend buying some. Go ahead, eat the whole box. I definitely won't be judging. :0)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Birthday, to yoooou!

Have I mentioned that we are a fan of the birthdays? Here we are at Grandma's, celebrating Sister's birthday just once more. I made the most fabulous cake (if I do say so myself). Here, we have Grandma and our beloved Auntie Jo. She is the bomb. It was a fun day... although I don't think we did any singing this particular time.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

True Church Conference 2010

The Quagmire of Hyper-Calvinism... say that 3 times fast. This was the title of our World Impact/Missions Conference this year. We started on Thursday night and went through this morning. It was GREAT. Speakers this year were David Miller, Jono Sims, Conrad Mwebe, Dr. Hakin, and of course, our own Bro. Jeff. If you've never heard of David Miller, you should look him up. He's amazing! He has the greatest memory. All of them did great - Dr. Hakin was a bit over my head, but I got the rest of them. Bro. Tom Clay did a wonderful job with the music as always. We've had a fun time. Considering I have been sick ALL WEEK, it was good that we had church. I definitely needed it! :0)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Aubrey Wilson

Here's my favorite PSI guy and very good pal, Aubrey (aka Jacques Trapp.. the "s" is not silent). He supplies me with all menu paper at work and also a wealth of entertainment. He's my buddy and possibly the tallest guy I know. I wanted a pic of him smiling (which I finally got) but he insisted on the serious face as well which cracked me up!! LOVE YOU AUBREY!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

HaPpY BiRtHdAy, SiStEr!!!!

Happy Birthday to my Sister! She turned the big 27 today! To celebrate, we got a visit from Dad, Cynthia and (as we like to call them) "the Grandparents", Roger and Rita. As always, they came bearing Rita's famous Rice Krispie Treats. The best Rice Krispies you will ever eat... EVER! They are fabulous and that's the one thing we could always count on for b'days - a BIG rice krispy shaped as the # of how old you were. Fun times and great memories!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Birthday, Uncle Earl!

One of my FAVORITE uncles had a birthday last week! I can't believe the youngest Tittle is officially 50! Other than being on the island of Hawaii with my Prince Charming, I can't think of a better way to have spent Valentine's Day afternoon than with this crazy bunch. They have even learned how to clap on beat! I think I've mentioned before how excited we Tittles get about birthdays... well this is how Happy Birthday should always be performed. My family ROCKS! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, UNCLE EARL!!! LOVE YOU!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Jack-O-Lantern Farms!!!

Went and saw my good buddy Steve Carpenter at JOL Farms today! If you are ever in the Muscle Shoals area, you should stop by for some quality hydroponic vegetables. I don't know the difference between that and saying it's organic, but it's basically all organic stuff. He grows lettuce in a greenhouse, floating on water. No dirt involved. It's fantastic! He also has the BEST breadcrumbs that you can get anywhere and they sell stuff from Croc. Ed's. Sister and I got some mexican cornbread muffins that were quite tasty. It is slightly funny that I went to the veggie store and came out with bread crumbs, 12 mexican cornbread muffins and no vegetables. I did manage to get one apple though, so I guess that make my trip a healthy success. :0)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sjá þú seinna, Chef!

Sad day! I'm very good at living in a state of denial and ever since Chef told me about 4 months ago that he was going home for 2 weeks, I haven't really considered the fact that I will be without one of my best buddies for 2 and a half weeks! Now some of you may think, going home? Big deal. Yeah, not a big deal if home is in Killen, but by home, I mean Iceland. He is flying out at 6am from Huntsville - Huntsville to Charolette - Charolette to New York - New York to Iceland. That is in fact if there's not too much snow in New York. We need you all to keep your fingers crossed though that the weather won't be too awfully bad because he REALLY wants to go home and see his parents. Hasn't been back in 3 years and he is incredibly excited. However, that once again leaves me alone in the biggest office in the hotel until March 1st. So sad. :0(

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Carson and Chloe's Snowmen

This is just further proof of how much snow we had yesterday! (Leigh-Ann, hope you don't mind that I used your pics!) Our two incredible cute snow builders are Chloe and Carson. I was a big fan of the Miss Piggy Snowman myself... hopefully that AL one melted in the rain! :0) Kidding, just kidding... sort of. Anyway, thought you all should see my 2 cutest kids from Florence.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Holy Snowstorm, Batman! I had no idea we were even getting flurries today and then all of a sudden we had at least 5 to 6inches of snow in the parking lot. And let me just reinforce the fact one more time that the people of Florence can't drive in snow. It took me FOREVER to get to work. I was convinced we were going to have a wreck if the morons in front of me didn't speed up above 10mph going across Patton Island Bridge. Oh and for added fun, our genius City of Florence workers were driving slower than I run spraying water on the snow to melt it. Yeah, that's smart. Spray water on a bridge when the temp is below freezing. SMART.
Finally made it though and by about 10am, this was the result. I took this pic from the top of the Tower. That's Wilson Dam in the background. If only I had the day off (like Sister) I would have made one killer snowman!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Dum dum da dum. Dum dum da dum!!! We are getting a Joe in our family! Wedding bells will soon be ringing for MY cousin, Cuz and our dear Joe McLain!! This has ben without a doubt the best start to a week that we've had in a while! I think I gave her permanent hearing loss as I screamed into the phone... got a little excited! CONGRATS, CUZ and JOSEPHINE! LOVE YOU!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Carson's Big Game

I went to my first little kid basketball game that I've been to in a LONG time. It was one of the funniest things I've seen in a while. Carson has a BIG game and scored at least 6 points. I lost count. The chubby little kid holding the ball was SO cute. He reminded me of my little cousin, Nick. The group shot at the end of the court was just to show exactly how funny little kid basketball can be. 2 little boys just decided during the game that they needed a bathroom break, so like a hockey game, we just had to play 2 guys down... it was 5 on 3 and I think we held our own. The other funny part is that whoever gets the ball thrown into them, will be the one to "dribble" (and I use that term lightly, mostly they prefer to run with a few dribbles here and there) down the court and shoot. No matter how many defenders are on you, you'll be shooting. It was INCREDIBLY funny. :0)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Little House on the Prairie

Hmmm... at what point does it become an addiction? In the words of Grandma, "I just love that Prairie."

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Little Bit of This... A Little Bit of That

So who knows the song "Weapon of Choice" by Fatboy Slim? Well, that is the background music that you can't hear (soon to be dubbed) to our first GREAT Facebook Video for the Hotel webpage. In this Video, Chef is on the left and Jason is on the right. It is being edited by the fabulous Chris Anderson as we speak... probably won't have it for another 3 weeks but we are very excited to see it. My job was to carry the iPhone player around just so they could stay on beat. Luckily I had my Vado Video Recorder and am giving you a little behind the scenes footage. Couldn't post last night because we began shooting at 9pm and didn't finish until 1am. Yes, quite a late night, but we had run of the hotel, so it was a great time. :0)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Girl's Night!!

And Girl's Night is GROWING! We had yet another few additions to our group tonight. Here, we have Pheebs, Leah, Kristy, Nancy Byrd, Me and Katie... Pris was taking the photo. I had sushi for the first time tonight and pickle jelly ~ two things I never thought I would eat. It was great fun, but now I must paint!