Sad day! I'm very good at living in a state of denial and ever since Chef told me about 4 months ago that he was going home for 2 weeks, I haven't really considered the fact that I will be without one of my best buddies for 2 and a half weeks! Now some of you may think, going home? Big deal. Yeah, not a big deal if home is in Killen, but by home, I mean Iceland. He is flying out at 6am from Huntsville - Huntsville to Charolette - Charolette to New York - New York to Iceland. That is in fact if there's not too much snow in New York. We need you all to keep your fingers crossed though that the weather won't be too awfully bad because he REALLY wants to go home and see his parents. Hasn't been back in 3 years and he is incredibly excited. However, that once again leaves me alone in the biggest office in the hotel until March 1st. So sad. :0(
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