Saturday, March 27, 2010

Little Kid Baseball

Today was Carson's FIRST spring baseball game! He was SO CUTE in his little Atlanta Braves outfit! Stupidly, I forgot to take his pic though. I did spend most of the day with my pal Chloe at the concession stand though (we both love that popcorn), so I got this fab pic of her and Leigh-Ann. You can't really tell from this shot, but that wind did not stop blowing ALL DAY. Seriously, I think Mary Poppins blew by a couple of times... :0)

Friday, March 26, 2010

RiCe BoX!!

Rice Box - YUM! Long day at work... so I treated myself to dinner tonight. It appears as though they gave me enough fried rice for the next week... Delish!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Lunch and the Today Show

Lunch is so overrated.. at least that's the motto for Chef and I most days at the Marriott. We hardly ever eat lunch except on those rare occasions we can sneak off property and go to Ryan's restaurant, Pomedoro. Today, however, my dear pal Ryan brought us tarts. We each got a pineapple tart and a chocolate tart. I think he was just tired of me telling him he never brings good food. It's good to know the chefs... they keep me fat and happy. The pineapple was good - the chocolate tart was AWESOME! Tasted like fudge in the middle. Scrumptious. Poor Chef had to go upstairs (in the 360) and start prepping for tonight, so I had the tarts to myself. And no, I didn't eat all four. I invited Deputy Doug in for a tasting. The other pic of the day came compliments of my good pal Leah. She just returned from a trip to New York. I told her she just had to visit the Today show while she was there because Chef and I watch it every morning and discuss it endlessly. SO, she brought me back a can of Swedish Fish candy from Dean & Deluca. You may have no idea what that has to do with the Today Show, but if you look out in the plaza across the street from where Lenny and all the screaming fans hang out, you can see Dean & Deluca. How cool is that?! :0)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Cousins!

Here are some more pics from the Big Bash this weekend. These are some of my favorites. When we were both really young, Melanie and I looked a lot a like. Now, not so much. I suddenly look really old. Wrinkles and bags under my eyes. The Marriott may be the death of me. Melanie's the #1 pitcher for Pelham. She fabulous. The other pic is my cousin Andrew. He's a senior this year at Westbrook Christian... yep, the school Brodie Croyle went to. He was always teeny tiny but all of a sudden he grew and grew and now he's bigger than me. He's too cute and he has a sister named Kimberly. :0)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to my Auntie Jo and Uncle Kin who celebrated 50 years together today! We had an action packed weekend of cleaning our house (which was exhausting) and then having a BIG TITTLE BASH today!!! It was SO MUCH FUN! (I started off the morning with a trip to Northside Baptist Church to see my pals Phyllis, Paul and the BUP. Good times.) And then it was to Grandma's for lunch and our house for a shower. Most all of the crazy Tittle crew showed up and a few other friends. In our pic, we have Andrew, Auntie Jo, Karen, Uncle Kin and Kimberly. I have declared the secret to thier 50 years together is that Uncle Kin is asleep most of the time and then when he wakes up, he just does whatever she tells him. They seem happy and 50 years later, they're still together. :0)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Lunch Date!

Sorry friends and family! It's been a LONG BUSY week. However, this day was too good to pass up. I got to go off property and have lunch with my two favorite guys, Chef and Bowser. Normally, I never get them both together and both to myself, but today it just happened to work out and we went to see Josh Quick at Crocodile Eds. It was great! They are both so sweet and so funny. In the pic with Bowz is another one of my favorite Marriott friends, Jennifer McFall, Spa Director. :0)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Date Nite!

Tonight was fun! We went to Ricatonis (aka Scoop and Plop.. long story. Chef says even though it has an Italian name, it doesn't necessarily make it Italian. It was still pretty good.) Then we went bowling. SO FUN! They had disco lights, a great soundtrack, blacklights, and lighted alleys. And even though this pic doesn't really reflect it, I had a killer outfit. :0)
Here, we have Cody, Mal (my best friend since I was about 5) Me and Rod.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So it was down between a picture of me at work and a picture of dinner. Pizza won out. It was quite tasty. Just finished reading a bazillion posts of everyone working out, doing yoga, tanning... and I'm sitting here enjoying a fattening pizza and chocolate chip cookies from Grandma. hahhaha!!! I'll just enjoy it. Back on the wagon tomorrow... tomorrow I will exercise. Tonight, I will eat. :0)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I went shopping for a bridesmaid dress the other night and happened upon three of the most fabulous dresses in the world. I previously bought a blue one from Sears for the opening of the boys restaurant, so I already knew that I liked them. LOVE the material and they are so long they nearly drag the ground. So when I found these 3 on the clearance rack, I knew it was a sign that I did in fact need all three of them. And the best part, got all 3 for $50. That's a deal. The pic doesn't really do them justice, but it's the best I could do short of modeling them. Just for added fun, if you look at the smoke alarm in the background, yes, it is dangling off the wall because I couldn't get it to shut off one night and I finally hit it so hard it came off the wall. Hasn't beeped since. :0)

Monday, March 8, 2010

One More for the Road...

Tonight's Girl's Night was a somewhat sad one. It marked our final night as a group for a while. Prissy will be relocating to Memphis to begin work at the Peabody (yes, the one with the ducks) on Monday. Sad for us, exciting for her. It was a good one though. I think it's the hardest we have ever laughed. Now it's late, and I have to work tomorrow, so I won't go into much more detail, but before I go, I will tell you once again who everyone is... just in case you've forgotten. We have, Leah, Pris, Keely, Katie, Nancy Byrd, Chloe (how that dog posed so pretty for the picture is beyond me) and of course, me. So, until we see you again for Girl's Night in Memphis, we'll miss you Pris. LOVE YOU!! :0)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Beatles!!!

I give up! It's 1:06AM, I've been working since 4PM, and I've tried 4 times to get these pictures to stand up straight, yet they continue to lay on their side. I don't know what the problem is. Alas, it was a GREAT night, despite missing my hockey game and having to work. The RETURN aka the Beatles were performing at the Heart Ball Afterparty. Keely and I began the night by stalking the Beatles, me more than her, and then by the end of the night, they wanted to take us with them. I think we could've left with 4 Beatles and a Stage Manager (who was the CUTEST)! We both had the curly hair going on tonight. I also learned how to open a wine bottle. I don't know how people do it drunk because I could barely do it sober. It was quite an interesting night. :0)

Friday, March 5, 2010


I've had a hard time trying to decide which pic to post tonight. There were SO MANY OPTIONS! We had a going away party for 2 of our pals at work today. Cheryl, who I dog-sitted for, and Prissy who has been one of my best girls since I started work. I decided on these two though, because they both contain my favorite guys... bosses really. I'm never quite sure which pic will end up on top, so in the picture with three guys, we have from right to left, Jonathan McKinney, Bowser (the GM, aka my boss) and Justin Lowe. I love this pic of Bowz. It shows his personality. He is hysterical and it was perfect timing. In the other pic, we have my Chef and Prissy. Chef is the COOLEST! We went out to lunch today as part of our crappy day tradition. Our office is considered happy world, so anytime one of us is having a bad day, we take it to lunch. Our restaurant of choice just happens to be one run by another of our chefs and his wife. It always puts us in a better mood. I was thinking today, lunch with Chef has probably been the best thing about working at the Marriott. :0)

Thursday, March 4, 2010


It's my GRANDMA!!! There's no better way to start out the day than with a phone call from Grandma. This was a conversation that we've had many many times before. It begins with a call from my uncle (Dennis), who is driving her to Princeton to get her blood and "peacemaker" as she likes to call it, checked. Upon entering B'ham, they have to pass a bunch of little run down cottages. Uncle Dennis will pop open his phone, dial my number, and hand the phone to Gran. At that point he says, "Hold on," then I can hear him handing the phone to Grandma and he says, "tell her where you are." And she will grab the phone and say, "We're passin the little whore houses!" Then she cracks up. This may not be funny to any of you, but it always makes us laugh. There's just something so hysterical about my 85 year old grandmother thinking of me everytime she passes the "whore houses". LOVE YOU GRANDMA!!! :0)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Associate of the Month

This is my pal, Carlos Berrios... aka Carlos Cheerios! He is the newest Associate of the Month at the Marriott Shoals, even though he doesn't know it yet. He is by far one of the coolest guys I have ever met. He played baseball so we have great discussions about my favorite team, the Braves. He's a Yankees fan and although we are somewhat rivals, at least he's not a Met. He also give the best hugs. I'm so proud of him for being Associate of the Month for the front of the house. He deserves it! LOVE YOU CARLOS! :0)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Velkomin heim, Chef!

My Chef is BACK! After 2 1/2 weeks in Iceland, Chef has FINALLY come home. As always, he knows how to go straight to my heart and brought me some chocolate. This might not sound exciting if you aren't addicted like I am, but Icelandic chocolate is absolultely heavenly. I do believe it is better than Hershey's and that is saying a LOT. Chef told me it was made from cream, not milk so I think basically this chocolate comes straight from the cow. And the other best part, it has no nutritional information, so you can eat every bit and have no clue how many fat grams you just consumed. I had told Sister that I had to get serious about some exercise because MY cousin is getting married and I get to be in the wedding! Therefore, I must be getting toned up and get in shape! This diet will begin again, after we eat the entire bar of chocolate though. After all, it would be rude to let it go to waste. :0)

Monday, March 1, 2010

GiRL's NiGHt

Here are my favorite girls! Back for an all new and exciting GIRL'S NIGHT! We had a delightful dinner at the Rice Box. Terrible customer service (and I mean that in the nicest way) but the food was awesome. We also had a great time discussing all of the latest current events. Get excited. Tomorrow's blog will be all about the return of my favorite Chef. :0)