Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Chloe and Carson

Went to see the coolest 2 kids on the block tonight. I had to hear all about Disney. Here's a pic from the vaca. Chloe was Princess Belle and Carson was Captain Jack Sparrow. Too cute. Carson wanted to play this game called Eye Spy. It's a board game. After one game with me, he had to call in Jen to play. This is not at all unusual. I'm not enough of a challenge. I couldn't keep up in Mario. He beat me in CANDYLAND. Candyland of all things. I just knew I'd beat a 6 year old in Candyland. Nope. He kicked my butt. And now Eye Spy. So I moved on to Chloe. I could keep up with her. We dressed her up as Princess Belle, painted her nails, did some makeup, and chatted about what she wants for Christmas. Guess what she wants. REally, just guess. A STINKY GARBAGE TRUCK. Apparently this toy is all the rage this year. "It eats cars and poops them out," she said. Hil-arious. :0)

Monday, November 29, 2010

2 Things...

2 Things made this day quite fabulous.
1.) I got a call from Coach Holladay and he is coming to town!!! I'm so excited. None of my own fam will come and visit, but he's coming up on Friday. This picture is a little freaky, but I don't have any of my fun ones up here. They're all in Nauvoo, so I had to snag this one from the OHS website. Friday should definitely be a blast.
2.) I got me a Christmas Tree for my 2nd grade small group kids!!! They will be so excited!!! It looks a little like a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree at this point, but it's 6 feet tall and was only $20. I thought that was a pretty good deal. It's fake, so we can use it over and over. I got a star to go on top and they will be in charge of getting some decorations on there. Should be fantastic!
Good day! :0)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Kids...

Here they are! This was our last week alone together. Becky returns next week. We survived 10 weeks without her! They were so funny today... I had BIG news to tell them that Miss Becky is getting married. Luckily, it was just us girls today so we were able to be completely girly and squeel and be all giddy. They are all still fighting over who's going to be the flower girl.
In most of the pics, they are working on Becky's "Welcome Back" poster. In the others, they are
reading a scroll that I made for them. It was part
of our lesson. I thought it was cute how they all
crowded around to see what was going on. Luckily my camera was close so I snapped a shot without them knowing. One incredibly funny conversation followed Mallie telling me all about her new earrings from Claires.
Mallie: Miss Kim, do you know what Claire's is?
Me: Yep.
Mallie: I wish we had a (another store I can't exactly remember the name of). Do you know what that is?
Me: Nope. (None of the other kids knew either.)
Aubrey: I do know what Victoria's Secret is!
10 weeks later and they still leave me speechless. :0)

Loooooong Day...

Yesterday was a LONG day. We were awoken at 5:30 in the am, not something I am accustomed to, by my dear Uncle Earl. He was coming to the house to hunt with Coach Shawn, Mason and Justin and he just had to call. So, we got up, got ready, and left to drive ALL the way to Pigeon Forge, TN. WHAT A DRIVE! We had to go the Apple Barn for a Wedding Reception dinner for Cynthia's daugher, Mary. She finally got married and we had to go celebrate. Here are a couple of pics from the day. Then, we drove ALL the way back last night. 12 hours on the road. We're BEAT! :0)


Remember this cute face? This is Fred that I found back in the spring when she was just a teeny, tiny kitten. She ran across the road in front of us and I couldn't bear the thought of leaving her to fend for herself. Sister said there's no way I'd catch her. I stopped the car, got out and hollered, and this precious thing came running at me and jumped into my arms. It was like something out of a movie. That was all it took. I took that baby home with me - actually I took her to Dad's barn. He fussed and complained but he's had about 3 black and white cats, all named Fred, so I knew he'd eventually warm up to her. And he did. He can't do without his Fred. She is a monster too. She's eaten countless birds and squirrels. There wouldn't be a single one left in Nauvoo if she had wings. She's about 3 times the size of my Ko-Ko now. Her belly nearly drags the ground. She's so funny. This is her discovering tv for the first time. She couldn't take her eyes off it. :0)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Bop It..

Today, the Tittles discovered the Bop It. Holy Cow.. that was funny. None of them can hear. Combine that with the ability to think fast, it just wasn't in the cards for them to be very good at that game. The amount of brain power they were attempting to generate today was astonishing. Good times. :0)

Let the Feasting Begin...

Here we are, at the back of the line, about to begin lunch. The other pic is only a small portion of the fam, sitting around the table. It used to look a lot bigger...
From the little bald man going around, we have Uncle Dennis, Aunt Brenda, Leah, Daniel, Dad-o, Aunt Minnie, Mackenzie and Scott. :0)

Getting Ready...

Now this is some serious Thanksgiving Day cooking... here we are at Cafe Radine's... aka... Grandma's House. This is all of the deliciousness. YUM!! :0)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Sometimes all you need to start the day is that
perfect cup of coffee. Today was that day. This is what I found on my desk when I walked in the office this morning. My dear friend (and the Director of Restaurants) Jim, whom I have taken to calling Jim Bob, had a fresh cup of delishness waiting on me. Now it's going to sound gross unless you've ever had it but trust me, It is GOOD! You start with a cup of black coffee... a little cream is good too... and then you add 1 packet of hot chocolate in with it. SO GOOD. That's what Jim Bob had made for me. And it will get you going. I was flying around the Hotel for a good 3 hours. Sometimes all it takes is a random act of kindness or an awesome cup of coffee to get your day going...
Another quick, funny story. Chef always calls me on his way in. It normally starts with:
Me: Good Morning!!
Chef: Good Morning!!
Me: How's it going?
Chef: It's going GREAT!! It's a beautiful day, the birds are singing, the sun is shining... and we go on and on making up ridiculous stuff to make our lives sound more fun than they really are. And I ask him what I missed on the TODAY show after I left.
This morning, I told him it was great and to guess what I'd gotten this morning. He guessed coffee. SAY WHAT?! I was convinced he'd already called Jim. But he hadn't and he was equally as surprised he'd guessed the answer. Then he said, "Congratulations on being an adult." (It is important to note here that every morning we go to the restaurant and every morning I get water while he gets his first of many cups of coffee. I haven't been a fan of coffee since Mrs. Finley used to make it in High School. Another story for a different day.) I told him not to worry though, I'd stuck my bubble gum up under the lid so I could save it for later. No need to sign me up for the old folks home yet. It was a delicious cup of coffee though. :0)

Monday, November 22, 2010

It's That Time Again..

Time for Hobby Lobby to put their wrapping paper on sale for 50% off!! And what's my rule? Yes, get the paper that makes me laugh the hardest. Who cares what color or design, so long as it's funny. After careful searching, I ran upon this. It looks like the brown paper bags (or polks as Grandma says) that we used to get from shopping at Bill and Sons. In red letters HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO was stamped all over it. Cracked me up. Greatest paper of the season. However, since I am in charge of young children now and their presents will be wrapped in said paper, I went with the bright white with silver crosses. It's very pretty. I'm not ruling out going back and getting my HOHOHOHOHOHO paper. Good stuff. :0)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Girls...

We made turkey necklaces today. It was so much fun. During the midst of it, the following conversation takes place:
Brooklynn: Miss Kim, Hand me his jangly thing!
Me: His WHAT?
Brooklynn: His jangly thing.
Mallie: It's called the red hangy ball.
Brooklynn: Whatever it is. What is it?
Me: (About to fall out of my chair laughing) I have no idea. Jangly thing sounds good.
Hys-terical!! :0)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

What a Day!

This was my day. First I saw a St. Bernard, my St. Bernard Lulu, show us how she sits ina lawn chair. Then I saw my Grandma. You are seeing the backside of her. It drives her insane that I always have the camera and always need a pic. She was hilarious. There was a fly TORMENTING her and she told us she'd tried to hit it with the fly-flip, but that didn't work and so she resorted to a can of RAID. Every time the fly would land somewhere, she'd shoot at it from her chair. Hil-arious. Then I went to one of my very good friends wedding. Here are a couple of her cats. The pics don't do justice to how big they are. Louie, the black one, is a manecoon. He's HUGE. Oscar is the greyish one. The cupcakes are from Gi-Gi's. SO STINKIN GOOD. A few of us camped out at the cupcakes instead of joinint the reception, downstairs. Definitely a good choice. :0)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Night Lights..

Friday Nights in the South don't get any more exciting than this one. The poor Bears didn't pull out a win, but it sure was an exciting game. I was a nervous wreck. The rednecks on redneck hill were shooting off fireworks all night and the crazies from RA Hubbard brought their cannon that they kept booming all night. I was stressed. However, it was fun to see all of the people I haven't seen in forever. I haven't changed a bit since I was a kid. I still can't sit through a game and just watch it. I had to go socialize with any and everybody. That part was fun. The game ended up 34-30. Here's a pic of the mighty Bears after the defeat. My buddy Phil is the coach in red on the right hand side. Felt bad for him. He's the most competitive guy I know. Oh well... now it's on to softball where I'm sure he'll land back in the State Tourney. Good night!! :0)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Where in the World?!

My darling Aunt Skipper insists that she needs a globe. Her grandson, my cousin, Matthew is in the ARMY and is currently stationed in Afghanastan. Skip needs to know where that is and insisted that she needed a globe so she could keep track of him. So tonight, I made my way over to Hobby Lobby and got her one. My sister said when taking the pic, I should be sure and show you Iceland. It's that teeny, tiny orange dot just to the right of the bar at the very top. :0)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Charlie St. Cloud

We got a new movie! I tend to pick the saddest, most depressing movies. We are only 37 minutes into this one though and I'm confident it's a keeper. I'm starting to like that Zac Efron now that he's finished dancing around on High School Musical. Good stuff. I'll let you know how the next hour and a half goes... :0)

Monday, November 15, 2010

*Disclaimer: I'm Still NOT an AL Fan...

Tonight, we hosted the Josh Willingham Foundation Fundraiser at the Conference Center. Josh is the left fielder for the Nationals. Now he's no where near as fabulous as Chipper Jones, but he is a really nice guy and pretty darn funny. He also had a great guest speaker at his event tonight, Mr. Gene Stallings. Coach Stallings is an EXCELLENT speaker. I could've listened to him tell stories all night. He mostly spoke about John Mark, or Johnny as he called him. He told one story of when he was going to introduce Johnny to Tom Landry. He said, "We went over it at least fifty times. I told him that we'd walk into the office and I'd say, Coach Landry I'd like you to meet my son, Johnny. Johnny, I'd like you to meet Coach Landry. And then, I want you to say, It's nice to meet you Coach Landry." He just knew they had it down pat. So they go in and he says, "Coach Landry, I'd like you to meet my son Johnny. Johnny, I'd like you to meet Coach Landry." Then, without missing a beat, Johnny said, "Hi Tom." Hil-arious.
You could tell he loved John Mark more than anything in the world. It was good stuff. Not enough to convert me to an AL fan, but definitely a Gene Stallings fan. He was awesome. Now, I'm going to prop up my feet because I just worked 13 hours and my back and feet are SCREAMING. Love to all! :0)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

PS22 Chorus "DON'T STOP BELIEVIN'" Journey

These guys are awesome. PS22 is a elementary school from Staten Island and their awesome teacher, Mr. B has turned them into an internet sensation. Here's one of my favorites from them. You should look them up on YouTube. They're kinda AWESOME! :0)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Woodchuck Geico Commercial

My sister thinks this is the funniest commercial in the entire world and wanted me to post it one day as my blog of the day. It is pretty funny, but even funnier, she cracks up every time it is on. She also said to pose the question of WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COMMERCIAL? I have no clue what mine is. This one's pretty funny. Grandma used to love the one where the squirrels ran out in the middle of the road and made the car run off in the ditch then they'd do that little handshake. Hilarious. :0)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Harvest Hangout!

Oh we had fun tonight. It was our Ladies Harvest Hangout at Church. Celista once again was in charge of the entertainment and boy did she do it. She made Mrs. Pam and her three daughters, Katie Leigh, Taylor Beth, and Anna Claire get up in front of the entire crowd and make a banana pudding, with Celista heckling them of course. It was hysterical. You had to be there to fully catch the funny. Then, Lynda Chumley got up and gave her testimony. It was awesome. We had chili (which I didn't eat. Not only did it have beef but it also had pork in it. EW!) We had HUGE baked potatoes ~ Delish!! ~ and an entire basket of cookies. YUM! Overall, fun night.
OH and Chef and I did get lunch today. We stayed in our box all day and it was the best day of work in 2 weeks. Now if we can do it all again tomorrow it will be the start of a wonderful weekend. :0)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Our Company wide Sales retreat was this week. It's been crazy, busy, crazy, fun, tiring, crazy, busy. It has also had us completely out of socket. I work well in a box. Me, Chef, our radio, our office, our box. However, this week, I've been across the street in the conference center catering to the Sales crew and Chef has been in his whites, cooking up some DELICIOUS treats in the kitchen. He's exhausted, I'm just ready to get things back to normal. Here, we have my Chef and Keely. They were supposed to be making serious faces, but Keely smiled, and Chef had on his model face. Hil-arious. And tomorrow, we go to lunch. :0)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

God Is Good When I Am Not...

For 2 weeks Bro. Matt has been preaching on how to treat your enemies. No matter what people do to us, we should be able to forgive them. After all, God has forgiven us of so much - we have no right to hold anything against anybody. Matt says the easiest way to forgive and forget is to pray for the person. It's hard to be mad if you are praying for good things for them. Well, for 2 weeks I've tried this. Instead of complaining about somebody else, I've kept everything to myself and prayed about it. Today, I blew it. I was having a perfectly good day. All 8 hours of work were good. Not the best day I've ever had, but it was pleasant and nothing to complain about. And then, just before I left, it happened. Something happened, and I let it ruin my whole day. I left in a huff (as mad as I get anyway). So much in fact that I didn't even go to ceramics class. I made a conscious decision to just stay home and stay mad. I called Sister and told her all about it. Not once stopping to pray for the person who had made me mad, just telling her how mad I was. It's been building up, because in these two weeks, it seemed like I had dropped off the radar. None of my friends returned my calls. When I couldn't get my friends, I turned to my cousins, because they are family and they have to love me... but I got nothing from them either. Do you ever have those days when you just throw up your hands and say, "FINE. If they want to talk to me, THEY can call me. I'm DONE." Yup, that's me. So mature. Anyway, after this grand revelation and then blowing it at work, I came home, sullen, turned on the computer and had a message from my cousin Brian. Huh. That made the day a little better. Then low and behold about 30 minutes later, a call from Buddy, my bf since we were kids. Haven't heard from him in a month and tonight as I'm mad at the world and feeling sorry for myself, he calls, out of the blue. God is good, when I am not. Tonight proves it. He forgives me, when I blow it and hopefully, I can learn to do the same thing. I'll start again tomorrow trying to do it all over. :0)

Monday, November 8, 2010

We have an announcement...

Dum dum da dum!!! (Not wedding bells this time, that was more of a drumroll). I wish I had Cuz live and on camera to announce this, but I'm stealing the thunder and announcing it for her. NO, it is not what you are thinking, but YES her and Joe do have some big news that I'm pretty sure Lee Alice will be most excited about. Our dear Josephine has accepted a job with GE in Louisville, KY. Yep. My cousin is moving north! Up to the land of the Yankees. Maybe not that far, but KY is very north if you are from Alabama. Do you even have sweet tea up there? We've been discussing climate change. I'm confident it's colder there than here. She'll probably have to buy snow boots. And there you have it. We are so proud. It seems SO far away, but nothing could seperate us and our cuz. We are fam. And now our dear Josephine has married into the crazy mix... CONGRATS!!!! Love you both!!! :0)

Decision Points...

Without a doubt, he's been called one of the most controversial presidents of our time. I think in this media age, though, every president will be more and more controversial. They've all got their scars and will definitely get more and more bumps and bruises along the way to the history books. Tonight, we watched Matt Lauer's interview with President Bush. It was a great interview. It was good to see him again. He's been out of the eye of the public and pretty much silent for 2 years, but tonight, President Bush was back to talk to Matt about all of the major decision points of his presidency. Now granted, like most everyone else, I miss seeing "The Prez" on Jay Leno. That guy is hilarious and has an impression of President Bush that is dead on. But tonight, it was the real guy. A true American patriot. Like I've said before, I don't care if you are republican or democrat. Frankly, both parties get on my nerves and I don't understand half of politics, but I am a big fan of this great country we live in and I'm 100% behind anyone who is patriotic. And I think President Bush, despite all his flaws, is a fierce patriot and a loyal American. I have no time to read the book, but I am glad I got to see the interview. It was a good one. Rock on, Mr. President. :0)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Shoals Christmas Praise Promo

OK, if you aren't feeling Chrismtas-y yet, just watch the Grace Life Church Christmas Praise Promo! This is the greatest most wonderful Christmas Program you can possibly go to this year.. Every year I say it can't get any better than this. Truly amazing. If I had any prayer of carrying a tune in a bucket, I'd be in the choir, but alas, I was blessed with the Tittle (non) talent for singing. So, until my joyful noise actually becomes a joyful noise, I'll just sit in the audience and enjoy my favorite time of year! :0)

"O Holy Night" By David Phelps

Guess what Sister bought? New Gaither videos. Here, we have the world's greatest Tenor, David Phelps, pre great hair and stylish wardrobe, singing Oh Holy Night. I'm officially ready to bring on the Christmas season. :0)

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Here's my ceramic teacher, Bud. He is GREAT. I caught him totally off guard when takeing this pic. He keeps us laughing. We have so much fun on Thursday nights!! Although, I am a little behind so I'm going to have to pic up a few Tuesday night classes to get caught up. Fun times! :0)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Did you vote? I did. And I got my cute little sticker to prove it. Ended up sitting beside Richard Baughn actually. Such a nice guy. On such a big night for him, he still took time to chat with me. It's rather funny that all of the old women at the Town Hall asked me if I was going to cheat off Sister again this year. Of course. I read those amendments over and over and didn't understand a single word. 4 people got ballots, voted and left. Sister finished hers and had it in the box and I was only half-way through. I did have a little bit of fun on the ballot. I wrote in Joey Boteler for Attorney General or something... I wrote-in my Sister for Secretary of State. I refused to vote for that Twinkle lady just becuase I don't think you can take anybody serious who's name is Twinkle. Same goes for anyone named Bunny or Candy. All in all, great night. Still cracks me up that we will drive over an hour to go vote as opposed to changing our registration to Muscle Shoals. And it turns out we aren't crazy. Another girl we went to school with drove from Birmingham to vote. It's good to be from Lynn. :0)

Monday, November 1, 2010

How could you not be a Vol fan after this?

Seriously, how could you root for any other team after seeing these two? These are dedicated, die-hard Vol fans at their best... and two of my best buddies, Phyllis and Paul Barker. They had Trunk-or-Treat at Northside Baptist Church. I looked diligently for a pic of the BUP (Big Ugly Preacher) because I was sure his University of Georgia Trunk would be extravagant, over-the-top and borderline crazy ~ just like he is for Georgia football ~ but I couldn't find one of him. Oh well, looks like the Vols won! :0)