1.) I got a call from Coach Holladay and he is coming to town!!! I'm so excited. None of my own fam will come and visit, but he's coming up on Friday. This picture is a little freaky, but I don't have any of my fun ones up here. They're all in Nauvoo, so I had to snag this one from the OHS website. Friday should definitely be a blast.
2.) I got me a Christmas Tree for my 2nd grade small group kids!!! They will be so excited!!! It looks a little like a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree at this point, but it's 6 feet tall and was only $20. I thought that was a pretty good deal. It's fake, so we can use it over and over. I got a star to go on top and they will be in charge of getting some decorations on there. Should be fantastic!
Good day! :0)
I know the feeling. My dad comes to visit pretty regularly, though! Awesome!