For 2 weeks Bro. Matt has been preaching on how to treat your enemies. No matter what people do to us, we should be able to forgive them. After all, God has forgiven us of so much - we have no right to hold anything against anybody. Matt says the easiest way to forgive and forget is to pray for the person. It's hard to be mad if you are praying for good things for them. Well, for 2 weeks I've tried this. Instead of complaining about somebody else, I've kept everything to myself and prayed about it. Today, I blew it. I was having a perfectly good day. All 8 hours of work were good. Not the best day I've ever had, but it was pleasant and nothing to complain about. And then, just before I left, it happened. Something happened, and I let it ruin my whole day. I left in a huff (as mad as I get anyway). So much in fact that I didn't even go to ceramics class. I made a conscious decision to just stay home and stay mad. I called Sister and told her all about it. Not once stopping to pray for the person who had made me mad, just telling her how mad I was. It's been building up, because in these two weeks, it seemed like I had dropped off the radar. None of my friends returned my calls. When I couldn't get my friends, I turned to my cousins, because they are family and they have to love me... but I got nothing from them either. Do you ever have those days when you just throw up your hands and say, "FINE. If they want to talk to me, THEY can call me. I'm DONE." Yup, that's me. So mature. Anyway, after this grand revelation and then blowing it at work, I came home, sullen, turned on the computer and had a message from my cousin Brian. Huh. That made the day a little better. Then low and behold about 30 minutes later, a call from Buddy, my bf since we were kids. Haven't heard from him in a month and tonight as I'm mad at the world and feeling sorry for myself, he calls, out of the blue. God is good, when I am not. Tonight proves it. He forgives me, when I blow it and hopefully, I can learn to do the same thing. I'll start again tomorrow trying to do it all over. :0)
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