This was my day. First I saw a St. Bernard, my St. Bernard Lulu, show us how she sits ina lawn chair.
Then I saw my Grandma. You are seeing the backside of her. It drives her insane that I always have the camera and always need a pic. She was hilarious. There was a fly TORMENTING her and she told us she'd tried to hit it with the fly-flip, but that didn't work and so she resorted to a can of RAID. Every time the fly would land somewhere, she'd shoot at it from her chair. Hil-arious. Then I went to one of my very good friends wedding. Here are a couple of her cats. The pics don't do justice to how big they are. Louie, the black one, is a manecoon. He's HUGE. Oscar is the greyish one. The cupcakes are from Gi-Gi's. SO STINKIN GOOD. A few of us camped out at the cupcakes instead of joinint the reception, downstairs. Definitely a good choice. :0)

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