Here is my beautiful cousin on her shower day!! We had a FANTASTIC time at the Birmingham Botannical Garden today. What an absolutely perfect day for sitting out in the sunshine! Even better, we got to catch up with some very old friends... Linda Murphy and Rachel Wiley. They are fantastic and so funny! Rachel used to always say that she was going to pull my teeth out when I was little because it seemed I was always missing a tooth or had a loose one when I would see her. Linda, is and always has been just great and so NICE. She actually just came up and stayed at the Hotel last week and neither of us knew the other was there! It truly is a small world. More importantly though, this day was about my Cuz! One day closer to her wedding day!! She was absolutely beautiful in her yellow dress and was a very good sport to wear the 80s style headpiece Mary and Mrs. McCollugh made for her. Fun times!!! :0)
I was scared that Rachel and Linda would pull my teeth out, too! But more afraid that they would cut my hair off in the middle of the night. They told me they had a key to my house! hahaha