Saturday, December 4, 2010

Photo Op!

And my fantastic weekend with Coach Holladay concluded with breakfast this morning and a photo op in front of the Christmas tree. What a good weekend it was. Absolutely nothing has changed. I talked a mile a minute, telling him everything he's missed in the past 6 years, he sat back and laughed, occasionally chiming in. We're that kind of crazy close that he's heard absolutley everything since I was 10 years old so I don't think anything surprises him anymore. It somewhat surprises me now that I think about it. There are certain subjects I do not talk about. But with him, it's different. I guess it's because he was always there when I was growing up, so somehow, it's ok. And it was fun. Definitely the BEST weekend I have had in a long time. Early Christmas for me! :0)

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