Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pearl Harbor + 3 Birthdays

Today's the day that will live in infamy. Pearl Harbor Day. I have been blessed enough to see the memorial twice in my life. Kinda Awesome. It's a breathtakingly, beautiful, peacfully sad place to be. Definitely makes you want to be a better patriot. Today is also the birthday of 3 fabulous guys I know. The first of which, and the one in yellow in the picture, is actually called Mr. Fabulous. Stevie Miller is the GM of Ross Bridge and he is the coolest. Such a nice guy. Two others I couldn't find pics of are Drew Haley and Ben Jones. Drew is Jacob's brother. Jay was my very first friend in the entire world. Drew was in Sister's class, Jay was in mine. We all grew up together. He's one of the sweetest guys I know and has always had fire red hair. Love that guy. And Benny Hinn Jones is the other. His name's not really Benny Hinn, but that's what I always called him. He's a sweetheart as well. Fun times. :0)

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