Sunday, December 12, 2010

The BIG moment...

Had a revelation this weekend... bear with me, this one's deep. Went and saw my favorite curly headed tenor Friday night. At a Gaither Christmas Concert, lots of artists are there. So... for about the whole first hour and a half, you get to all these other artists. I caught myself, as I do every time, waiting and anticipating David's songs. I completely miss the blessing of everything before it because I am so wrapped up in waiting for the BIG moment. So as I sat there thinking about this, it hit me. I do that with a lot of life. I think everybody does to some extent. We can't WAIT until we are 16 and able to drive... and then 18... and then 21... and then married... and then kids... and then grandkids... and then retirement. Why be in such a rush to die that we miss out on all the good stuff in between? Don't get me wrong, when we finally got to David, it was TOTALLY worth it as I'm confident Heaven will be. I just don't want to miss all of the other stuff I get before then. :0)

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