Monday, December 20, 2010

All Good Things Must Come to an End...

I know.. I'm a little late wrapping things up. Maybe it's because I wanted to hang on to my 24th year a little longer, maybe it's because I didn't get in until 2:30am on December 18th, or MAYBE it's because I left my camera on my desk at work all weekend so I'm just now getting to upload b'day pics! It was a fabulous day full of fun, food, and most of all friends. Josh Quick baked my favorite things - a 4Diamond Grilled Cheese, Fried Green Tomatoes and Brownies. The Swampers Kitchen Crew gave me a Chocolate Explosion, and I spent the entire day with my Chef who gave me Kit Kats and a Vegetarian Book/Cookbook. It was a good day.
SO, this is it. I'm wrapping up my 24th year. Here's my list of 24 things that I learned this year.
  1. I'm still as bad of a cook as when I began the year.
  2. You should NEVER wait 10 years between trips to the dentist.
  3. If you have to have surgery, Valum is your best friend.
  4. Chef is still the best roommate at the Marriott.
  5. Hawaii is just as pretty the 2nd time around.
  6. Being Volun-told can sometimes be a very good thing.
  7. Teaching 2nd Grade Small Group was my true calling in life.
  8. Little kids will tell ANYTHING.
  9. When old friends come back into your life, it is a wonderful thing.
  10. There are still so many things I wish I could ask my mom.
  11. My Grandma is the COOLEST 85 year old lady I know.
  12. Hanging out with Jenn and Mal is as much fun now as it was when we were 16, or 13 or 10.
  13. No matter how much power you have in a company, it still doesn't make you a nice person.
  14. It's not about ME.
  15. I still don't handle change well.
  16. I still turn into a giddy little kid when I get to talk to Jerry. (My 2nd biggest crush next to Coach Finley.)
  17. Hockey is the BEST sport ever!
  18. Being outside of Lynn is just as good as being inside.
  19. Family may be the people you are blood-related to, but they can also be the people that you choose to surround yourself with.
  20. Maybe God's not quite ready for me to settle down yet.
  21. Sometimes it's okay to have a meltdown, so long as youj don't hurt anyone in the process and you quickly get over it.
  22. I may be the "world's worst vegetarian" as Chef puts it, but I have learned to love mushrooms, peppers and onions.
  23. Having the undivided attention of Coach Holladay seems to make everything okay again.
  24. I am LOVED.

Hope you all had as much fun reading as I did writing this year. As soon as I get my new blog up, I'll let you know.

LOVE TO ALL!!! :0)


  1. #22! Yes! Those are the gateway vegetables! Just wait!

  2. We don't want it to come to an makes us feel so much more in touch with you to read your daily posts. Doesn't matter what you do next, just keep letting us know what you are up to!
