Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Kids!!!

Here are the kiddies! Story for the day... we are attempting to study Jesus telling Peter to cast his net on the other side of the boat.
Me: OK. Put on your imagination hat and everybody pretend we are out by the river. Jesus has been preaching and now Peter's going out to catch some fish. We're all watching. Dressed up and wearing sandals.
Anna: I'm wearing a Hannah Montana robe!
Me: Ok. You're wearing a Hannah Montana robe.
Aubrey: I AM Hannah Montana.
Me: Ok. You can be Hannah Montana. Now can we get back to the boat?
Jonah: I'm John Cena!
Mallie: Who are we?
Me: What?
Mallie: Well Aubrey is Hannah Montana and Jonah's John Cena... who are we?
Me: We're just us.
Then, we decided to try and make those darn ornaments from Hobby Lobby. It would've been easier to construct a life size replica of the Great Wall of China with toothpics. No more of that business. The bazillion little pieces involved coupled with the fact that I had to work until midnight and only had about 5 hours of sleep and I'm so sore I could barely move...we're not going to try that again.
I'm not confident they learned a thing this morning, but we had fun. :0)

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