Friday, December 3, 2010

My wonderful, very good, fabulous day!

Today was a good day. IT's true. God can give you a good part to a day, a good afternoon, or He can just open up the flood gates and make the whole day spectacular. This was one of those days. Work - Good. At 8am, I thought it had a chance to go either way, I am so grateful it went the good way. THEN at around lunch, the greatest guy I know showed up. Coach Holladay arrived. This means nothing to any of you, I know, but to me, it meant a lot. After I got off, we went out to eat. He wanted to go to Dale's because John, his brother, had told him how wonderful it was. It's a finer dining place so it was very fancy-schmancy. I kinda chuckled to myself the whole way there, knowing how this would unfold. We sat down and examined the menu. He was checking out appetizers. "You like crab claws?" Of course, I shook my head no. Nearly cracking up, I replied, "Would this be a good time to tell you I'm a vegetarian?" He cracked up. "Are you serious?" I nodded. "10 years now." It's been 10 years since he left Lynn. So here we are, at a fine dining STEAK house. Hil-arious! I did have a delicious bowl of French Onion Soup (which I've never had before) and a salad. Plenty for me, entertainment for him. After we left, we headed to get some crazy expensive coffee and then sat and chatted. I have no idea how long. Probably 2 1/2 hours. But it was so good. I can without a doubt say that this has probably been the best day I have had in over 9 years. It was total awesomeness. :0)

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