Made a trip to our favorite farm today... Jack-O-Lantern Farm to see my good buddy Steve Carpenter and his wife, Connie. I had to check on my bees and get a watermelon. As you can see from our hives, they've grown quite a bit. We'll be harvesting in about a week or so. He's already had many many gallons of honey... I don't remember exactly how many, but a whole lot. Francis has been the stand-out bee. She's blowing the rest of them away. Radine is in second and Lenore is in third. Ellie and Lucy are about to get squished and replaced by Lulabelle and and unknown fifth bee. I found my watermelon and a cantaloupe and Steve taught me the best way to pick out both. He told me I wasn't getting the first one I'd picked up becasue it had a spot on it and I told him I didn't know how to pick produce, thus the lesson on how to pick the best one when out shopping. YEs, there is a scratch and sniff method to that madness. I also got 1 onion. We're big fajita fans, so and onion, a pepper, a little sour cream and a tortilla are all we need. Good stuff. :0)
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