Very rarely do I get political. In fact, I think I've only gotten into this once in an entire year. However, the battle going on for the House of Representatives District 14 going on in my hometown has gotten ugly, and since I am an adult and I vote, I think I deserve an opinion. This guy is Richard Baughn. He's been my UPS man forever. I grew up with his kids, Cory and Katie, and know have known him and his now ex-wife Lisa for as long as I can remember. He's running against the guy that used to be my pharmacist. Now I couldn't care less about politics, but it would be nice for all of us in the free world to get to watch tv and not be bombarded with crazy political ads. It would also be nice if the canidates actually said WHY we should vote for them instead of why we shouldn't vote for the other person. Think about it, if they spent half the time telling us good things instead of saying bad things about everybody else, we might actually like politicians. Richard's only and always been a great guy to me. I hope he wins. Lisa's always been nice to me as well. But tonight, my phone has been blowing up to see if I'd seen the most recent campaign ad on tv put out by Richard's opponent, Ken Guin and Richard's now aforementioned ex-wife, Lisa. I was at ceramics like an old lady, so of course, I had not. However, through my awesome connections, I got it when I got home and HOLY COW. Now lots of people are split over who's side they are on, and it all seems to be people still living in the town. Those of us who are now considered outsiders, seem to be coming to the same consensus... Some people are just nuts! If you know the whole backstory to the drama going on in Lynn, this pretty much proves it. This, my friends, is why I stay out of politics. But come November 2nd, I will be driving down to vote. After all, it's my right. And if I get a VOTE RICHARD t-shirt before then, I might just wear it. :0)
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