LOST: My dear old friend Buddy Mac, whom I have known since we were 5. Last seen... I think at Hollie's wedding ~ don't really remember. Last talked to... a week or so ago. Hasn't answered his phone ALL WEEK and we are supposed to be going to a hockey game THIS Saturday Night. His girlfriend, Paige, has confirmed she will be there, but no word from Buddy. She is officially in charge of the McDaniel men, but it would be nice to hear from my old pal. He is freakishly strong and answers to the name of Buddy. He's too smart for his own good and likes chili fries and cake. He's a little taller than me and from the pic you can tell he has brown hair and if I remember correctly, blue eyes. He won't be driving a blue truck because I blew up the motor in that thing the summer of our senior year. He likes to play 007 and has been known to toilet paper the potted plants in the Principal's office. He likes football and searching for the greatest deals in thrift stores. He's also a 90 year old driver who freaks out if you talk on the phone and take pictures while driving with your knee down the interstate. If you see him, please tell ET to phone home (or at least Kim's cellphone). That is all. Thank you!! :0)
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