Holy cow. I've officially been at the Marriott for the past 3 years of my life. Most people say, "Wow, it's already been three years?" I reply, "You mean it's ONLY been 3 years?!" Seems like much much much longer. So, in celebration of the day, Chef took me to lunch. We had Wok n Roll. It was rather funny. He asked where I wanted to go, I told him I didn't really care, we sat in the car thinking, then I told him I'd give him some choices and he could pick. "Either Wok-n-Roll or something close in town." He said that was only one choice, so that's where we'd go. I was glad because that's exactly what I wanted... Tofu Garden. Delish! Then, when we got back, Ryan came to visit and brought m&m cookies. He had no clue it was my anniversary, I've just been bugging him for cookies forever and he finally remembered. Luckily, he brought 3, so we said in honor of 3 years, we'd all eat one. Fun day! :0)
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