Sundays have always been the best days for the Tittle Fam. I know it's Grandma's favorite day of the week because for as long as I can remember, her house has been THE place to be

at the beginning of the week. Grandma would cook a HUGE lunch. All the kids and grandkids and great-grandkids would come and sit around, chatting and eventually play some sort of sport. Volleyball, football, baseball, basketball, horseshoes, dind't matter... we'd play. This is partly why my family reminds me so much of the Kennedy clan. Fast forward 20 years. Now they are all too old and fat to go out and play sports. There are so many hips, knee, and joint replacements that we'd spend too much time in the hospital if they tried to get out and get active. However, Grandma still cooks enough to feed an army each and every week and everyone still engages in the family gossip.
It's a little harder to get everyone together now. All of us grandkids and some of the great-grandkids have grown up and moved off which makes it a little harder to show up, but there's

always a place at Grandma's and always someone to have fun with. Here are a few of the oldie and goodie pics from Family Day! The volleyball was from Labor Day in 1984. How a ball fell on either side is beyond me. I have no idea how anyone ever scored. I've never seen so many players in my life.

The next pic is my Aunt Jo and me. She's the coolest. SO funny. I love this pic. We both look so happy. The dancing shot is my Uncle Terry or "Uncle Turtle" as we have always called him, and sister. It was one Christmas. NO clue why they are dancing, but I thought it was an awesome shot as well. The final pic is Grandma of course. She's showing me her muscle. I think candid pics are the best. You get the person in the moment, and judging by these photos, we've had a lot of great moments at Grandma's house. :0)
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