that I know. She didn't disappoint. Cynthia and I took her to see Aunt Wilma in the nursing home and then met the family for a little Mexican. It was delish. On the way back to her house

Taking a note from my FABULOUS cousin (and the fact that I can go to the mailbox and something will happen I should write home about), I decided to track my 24th year with pics and my new favorite gadget, a VADO video recorder. I hope to update it daily and most of you will probably end up on here at one time or another, so be afraid.. be very afraid. :) Love to all ~ Enjoy!
I now have a new favorite song. THIS CRACKS ME UP! Apparently I'm the only one who's never heard Elvira before, but Sister kept insisting when EHSS sings it, it's hysterical. She was right. I heard it the other night as oddly enough, she was streaming the audio from Tony Greene's funeral. Yeah... terrible and weird all at the same time, but he had requested Elvira be sung and she just had to tune in to see if they'd do it. Sure enough, they did. I have now downloaded it to my ipod so Chef and I can sing it at work. I even had Bowz singing the mmmbop part today.
(We also had a visit from Katie Boggus today. Our Prodigal IT Genius has returned to the Shoals!!! But more on that tomorrow because I forgot my camera today.)
Good night to all! :0)