Monday was my dear friend, Robert Poole's birthday. I call him Robbie. He works up in 360 and has lived in Hawaii. We are kindred spirits. Absolute sweetest guy in the world. SO, I decided to bake him a birthday cake. He told me he liked chocolate and caramel. Now obviously Betty Crocker doesn't make a mix for that, so I wasn't quite sure how I was going to pull that one off. Well, I found a recipe and wasn't quite up to fighting the crazies at Wal-Mart, so I went to Dollar General. Can you believe that they had Carrot Cake and Red Velvet Cake but no chocolate cake? What the blank?! So I found a brownie mix that said "For cakelike brownies, do blah blah blah". Perfect solution I thought. Oh was a wrong. I also bought Pet Milk instead of Sweetened Condensed so that was no good. In short, it was a DISASTER! I, of course, came in the next morning and had to tell Chef all about it. He knows to brace himself when I begin with... "I tried to cook last night". Well, Tuesday night I tried again. This time, I made an edible cake. It was even pretty. Gave it to Robbie on Wednesday. He loved it. Just told me he loved it. Success! Back to Chef, yesterday we were talking about someone we aren't very fond of. Everytime I suggest we get rid of somebody, I just say there's a big river out back of the Hotel. He told me to cook for them. Any cake I'd bake would be sure to kill them. He's wicked funny like that. Good day! :0)
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