I cannot think of a better way to start my Labor Day morning!

I drove down to Gran's after church last night and spent the night with her. If that wasn't fun enough, we got up this morning and had the GREATEST, MOST WONDERFUL homemade breakfast. Uncle Earl and Mason brought up some of their friends from Pelham to plant a greenfield so we all ate breakfast together and played around afterward. It was awesome. We definitely missed the rest of the fam, but hanging with all of the guys was fun. Gran also told me one of her famous stories. It went something like this...
"Once upon a time there was 3 bears and Goldielocks. Goldielocks was going to cook them some supper. There was Mama Bear, Papa Bear, and Baby Bear. Goldielocks met Little Red Robin Hood in the woods. She was going to Grandma's house to take her some honey. Then they ran upon a fox.... that's it. That's all I know." At this point, I was laughing hysterically. Even funnier than her crazy fairy tale, was that is EXACTLY how I remember her telling it 20 years ago! She's the best. :0)
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