Today we rolled up our sleeves and saved a few lives. I always find it amusing to take pics of this event because it always freaks out my dear Lucas! In the spirit of day, I had camera in hand and got pics of Chef, J.Low, and my arm. We got a festive little water bottle and the satisfaction of knowing we did a good thing. I was somewhat shocked my iron was actually high enough... it never is, so I guess from now on, Chef has to be my good luck charm and go with me. That and we have to raid the kitchen and drink OJ before going down to give. While working on an article for the paper about blood donation, I read that you should take music to listen to to keep your mind occupied. I, of course, had my ipod in hand and cranked up David Phelps. It was delightful. His version of Unchained Melody is fantastic. YouTube couldn't do it justice, so I'm not attaching a link. You should just go to walmart.com and purchase it. Really. You won't regret it. Good day. :0)

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