Today, I decided something.

Every day is a gift and I don't intend to waste any more of them. I will find the funny in each and every day ~ starting with my first trek across the street this morning. I saw a completely grown man, peddling his bike through the parking lot and he was wearing a bicycle helmet. Now I know helmets are important and all that business, but grown men in bike helmets make me laugh. He had on cargo shorts, with his shirt completely tucked in and a helmet. It maynot sound funny, but it cracked me up. Then as I continued my walk, I saw our yard crew out blowing off the sidewalks. The little guy had a big blower bag on his back. The Ghostbusters theme song immediately popped into my head. This also made me laugh. There is a very good possibility that I have reached my limit and am slowly losing my mind. :0)
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