This is Mark Lowry and Me. We have a lot in common. He's a clown, I'm normally called in when things are getting too serious or people just need to be cheered up. We both have a wacky sense-of-humor. We both grew up Independant Fundamental Baptists. We are both now "recovering fundamentalists". Don't get me wrong, like Mark, I am very thankful that I grew up in the church that I did, but also like Mark, looking back now, I feel like I was more of a Pharisee than anything. Independant Baptists are definitely law keepers. I'm thankful for all of the verses that we had to memorize. It was much easier then than it is now. But there were also those things I never quite understood, but did them, just because we thought we were sinners if we didn't. Those dreaded coulotts. No mixed bathing. Of course, I had it good. I had a mother who didn't quite share the same preferences as others in the church, so I got to keep my jeans and I could jump in the pool with my cousins - no big deal. Bro. Matt preached on The Weak from Romans 14:1-4, last Wednesday night. These people were so stuck on what rules they had to keep to be pleasing to God that they completely miss God half the time. Of course, these people were coming out of lifetimes of the Jewish culture, so eating a porkchop was probably hard for them at first. But as Matt was preaching it made me think of something Mark had said, which led to our upbringing. Yes, my ADD is that bad. I recently heard Mark say that a conviction is something you would die for. SO, for instance, if a lady chooses to wear pants, who cares?! Who's going to die over a pair of pants? We were always taught that was a CONVICTION and that always made me feel like I was somewhat less of a Christian than everybody else in our Independant Baptist circle because I just didn't think it was a big deal so long as I was decent about it. It's much more lady like to play basketball and softball in shorts than it is in a skirt. Needless to say, I no longer feel bad. I have broken free of that. We can't do anything to please God or pay Him back for all He's done for us. Even if we could, it's all of grace so we're just more indebted to Him. So just love Jesus and give Him the glory. That's what it all about anyway. It was just their preference all these years, becasue I seriously doubt any of the people in our circle would've died over a pair of pants.... well.... maybe one lady would. (Jess, just think camp and you'll know who I'm talking about. Howdy Doody's mom. She thought we were going to Hell because we went to public school.) Lastly is the Nazarite Vow. You know, the one that John the Baptist took. I learned Sunday morning that that isn't necessarily a lifetime commitment and it has 4 points. No liquor, No Cutting of the Hair, No Touching Dead Bodies (this wigged me out), and No Eating Unclean Foods. Interesting stuff. We will end with Bro Jeff's best quote of the day, "I know there are a lot of young preacher guys out there that will hear this on tv or the radio and I want you to remember this. There was and forever shall be only one John the Baptist. Cut your hair. Wear regular clothes. AND Love Jesus. Oh, and don't drink liquor. As a Christian, that's just not a good idea anyway." I love my church. :0)
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