We all know I love me some TODAY show. So of course, this morning, I was tuned in at 7am for the daily report. When what to my wondering eyes should appear but PARIS HILTON'S BEEN ARRESTED AGAIN. How stupid can this girl get? How many times do you have to be threatened AND go to jail before you realize you are a complete moron? For starters, if you are pulled over on suspicion of marajana (for the second time in a few months), WHO thinks it is a good idea to put on lip gloss while being questioned by a cop? She apparently did. That was her excuse of why the cocaine fell out of her purse. "Oh, but it wasn't my purse" she said. Then who's purse was it? Your boyfriend? I think not. And can she seriously expect us to believe that she thought it was gum? One is a white powdery substance, the other pink and chewy. Unless you are deaf, mute, blind and without tastebuds, there is no possible way to confuse the two. Oh Paris. The one thing you have going for you is that you are always prepared to make a pretty mugshot. I seriously hope we don't have the 24 hour watch going on her this time when she goes to jail... That is all. :0)
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