Funny story! Sister returned from a weekend and Nauvoo with absolutely no gas in her car, so after church, we headed to Wal-Mart to pick up a few groceries and get some gas. She was ahead of me, so she pulled in and about a minute later, I pulled in the pump behind her. Well, I noticed she was out talking to some lady and she said, "Well, I'm sorry about that." Then she gave me the funniest look so I knew something was up. So I started my gas to pumping and walked over to where she was and asked what all that was about. Apparently the crazy woman had pulled up after she had and then said she should've reversed into my spot so that lady could have the pump. "I was already out and pumping!" was Sister's valid point. Anyway, the crazy church lady got OUT of her gas-guzzling SUV just to tell her that it would've only been polite for her (Sister) to boot me out of my pump so that she (church lady) could fill up with gas. Even funnier ~ there were like 4 empty pumps around us all. Hil-arious! :0)
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