Oh how I missed those kids! I left them sweet, little, quiet kids and came back to fiesty, fun, motor mouths! They were talking a mile a minute. Becky had told me she wouldn't let them have their cake last week because they were awful. I told them they had to be good to get their presents from Hawaii... they were somewhat controllable. There were 2 incredibly funny moments. One was when we were taking prayer requests and we said we'd pray their school went good this week. One little girl said, "I'm home schooled" and we assured her we'd pray for her mother. Then she started telling us all that they studied. When we finally got back on track, Becky prayed a beautiful prayer and as soon as we said "Amen" our little girl picked right back up with "AND I WRITE IN CURSIVE". Poor Becky just looked at a loss for words. It was very funny. You had to be there. The other funny part of the morning was when they were coloring their pics of Adam and Eve. I assured them I thought it'd be a GREAT idea to put clothes on them. After all, I don't want to send these kids home with pictures of naked people! How awful would that be?! And then one of our precious angels decided to draw boobs on Eve. Her Adam and Eve were both anatomically correct. I just had to walk outside to look for more kids. I was about to crack up. Somehow they also ended up with lawn mowers in the Garden of Eden. It was HILARIOUS! :0)
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