This day was fun. It was autograph day on the boat. Since we went on a Gaither Homecoming Cruise, we got a concert every night and a day to take pics and get autographs from the Vocal Band. I'm warning you now, this will be a long post because there's a lot to tell. You might want to go refill your coffee before we begin...

In the picture with me and two guys in almost white shirts, we have Wes Hampton and David Phelps. Wes is from Alabama and really sweet. That cute little curly headed fella is David Phelps. He is the BEST tenor ever. If you've never heard him, stop what you are doing and listen to this,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSTyP404O_Y&feature=related or just go out and buy the new Vocal Band CD "Better Day". Or (yes one more) youtube David Phelps Let Freedom Ring. It is CRAZY good. I think everyone like me and my sister and anyone else that got absolutely NO musical talent, God must've given it all to David. He is amazing. In the next pic, we have (in the black shirt) Mark Lowry, resident comedian in the vocal band and (in the gray shirt) Michael English. I managed to crack up Mark which I thought was quite an accomplishment considering he is a comedian, thus the funny expression on his face. Thus bringing me to an ADD rabbit trail. When Mal and I (my bf since we were about 5) used to go out with the guys, they would always spend what seemed like forever telling her how gorgeous she was and blah blah blah, then they would look over at me and be like, "Kim, you're so funny!" That is NOT a compliment no matter how you spin it, thank you very much. At least not after you've been ooooing and ahhhing over Mal for 10 minutes. So, if you don't have sons but will one day, nephews, grandsons, or any influence over males whatsoever, tell them to always avoid this mistake because there's a good chance it will get them hurt. They might possibly lose feeling in their shins and could suffer a concussion depending on what type of mood I am in. I have made my sister promise to teach her children that as well as mine if I'm not around. Now.. back to autograph day. The last pic is Gloria Gaither, me and Bill Gaither. The 2 cornerstones of southern gospel music. Seriously. They wrote "He Touched Me". And surprisingly, two of the nicest people. They seem nice on stage, but to meet them in person, they are awesome. We shared a plane with them on the way home and sat in the airport with them for a while. Nice folks. :0)
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