Before we went to Hawaii, we visited the bookstore. Since we were going to be on a 9hr and 44min direct flight from Atlanta to Honolulu, I thought surely I'd get through one book if not two. Chef and Bro. Jeff ALWAY read when they're on vacation and come back and tell us all about what they've learned, so this was my plan as well. However, I failed to account for the fact that I am too ADD to finish a sentence, muchless a book. I took 3 books and didn't make it even halfway through one. I started 3 or 4 different movies and only made it through one of those. My sister, however, started this book when we took off and read for I don't know how many hours before she finished it. All in one day. It's about a guy that went to Brown University and took a semester off to go to Liberty University. HILARIOUS, she says. Here's a clip of him telling about the book. It does look funny and she definitely recommends it if you ever need something to read. Enjoy. :0) http://vimeo.com/11915973