I have never claimed to be political - however - I do claim to be very patriotic. So, I don't care if you are black, white, green, brown, blue or orange, as long as you love America, I'm all for you. Be quiet when the National Anthem is being played, take off your hat, and put your hand over your heart. It's only polite. I saw my 3rd grade teacher not long ago and had to thank her because SHE is the reason that I love America. Every morning she would make us say the pledge (it was a high honor to hold the flag) and then we would sing My Country Tis of Thee. Now granted, we also sang Zip a Dee Doo Dah, but that has stuck with me ever since and I promised her if I ever became a teacher, I would teach my kids those patriotic songs. I tell everyone Mrs. Tidwell is the reason that I still drive to Lynn, AL on election day to cast my vote. She is why I insist on watching every Innauguration and State of the Union (even though half the time I haven't a clue what they are talking about). I am even slightly fascinated by CSPAN when Congress is in session - you know, on those brief moments there are more than 3 guys in the room. Drives my sister insane. I just think it's important. My absolute favorite professor in college once told us "If you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain." Most countries aren't nearly as blessed as we are, so we should enjoy our freedoms and take interest - no matter what side you are on.
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