IT's that fabulous time of year.... time for the honeybelle oranges! I've been told I didn't like them when I was little, but I can't remember a time when I didn't LOVE these things! For those of you that don't know, my Aunt Ila Vee and Uncle Bert used to always send us a box when they lived in West Palm Beach, Florida and even since they have moved to AL they still send us a box every January! These are without a doubt the best oranges you will ever eat in your life! They are HUGE beyond huge, very juicy and extremely sweet and have been my breakfast this week! Chef and I shared one yesterday and Miranda and I shared one this morning. Everyone at the Marriott is in agreement that these are better than any store bought orange anywhere! THANKS TO AUNT ILA VEE AND UNCLE BERT!
I got some too!!! Yum!