I have decided that from now on, I'll just celebrate birthweek, because today was better than yesterday and I'm confident tomorrow will be even better. We begin with a card from my sweet Grandma as shown. She hardly ever writes anymore, but she took time to draw me a picture of herself. I LOVE MY GRANDMA! She is the coolest person I have ever met.
I also knew better than to even eat breakfast this morning because I was sure that my dear friend Miranda would be bringing cake to work - And boy was I right! She brought in the most delicious homemade cheescake with chocoate crust. It was delightful. She also gave me the most high def picture frame I've ever seen. This sucker comes with a remote, back lighting and music. Seriously, this thing is cooler than my tv. And my buddy Jason gave me a brand new makeup bag from the Spa. I definitely needed that considering mine looks AWFUL!
The other greatest thing about birthdays in the Tittle family is that EVERYBODY will call and sing to you, whether or not they can carry a tune in a bucket. It is wonderful. My phone is now full of my family members singing off key. It's great.
So, when your next birthday rolls around, I would suggest celebrating the week or just join our family. We know how to party.
I have a friend who recently expanded from Birthweek to Birthmonth. I recommend you do the same. And maybe Half Birthdays too!!