I am extremely sentimental. I can't throw away anything! SO, this is partly why my desk at work is always a WRECK! However, everything has it's special meaning and I thought I would share a few of them with you. Starting at the top, we have my Hirajacu Music Perfume from Bowser (my boss). It smells really good and it's what he got me for my birthday... a year or two ago. I think the bottle is really cute. She is sitting on top of the Hot Cocoa that Chef got me for either my b'day or Christmas this past year. ONly being 8 days apart I never can remember what I got what for. And the Cocoa was SO GOOD. Chef came in one morning with a pot of hot milk and mixed us up a piping hot cup of deliciousness. It was GREAT! Directly in front of it is my Dean and Deluca Swedish Fish can that Leah brought me back from her trip to NY. I'm pretty sure I've blogged about my love for the Today Show and the fact that Dean and Deluca is located right across from Rockerfella Plaza. To the right is my duck from the Peabody. Pris sent it to us a couple of weeks ago and I keep threatening to put it in our fountain and take it's picture. I think I'll do that next week. Behind the duck is my panda bear. I think he's a collectable. Vickie, our Director of Services, gave me him during the summer olympics. I am a bit patriotic and since the Olympics were in Beijing and he was a Panda, I thought it was only fitting that we name him Michael Phelps after the greatest Olympian and world's greatest swimmer. I told Vickie enroute to him winning 8 gold medals that we were going to have to find him some gold and she came in with the bracelets that are around his neck. The all have a coin on them so it looks like gold medals. HOW COOL IS THAT?! Finally, to the far right we have the absolute greatest most wonderful Easter candy. This is my Chocolate Icelandic Easter Egg that Chef brought me back from Iceland. He made me wait 2 months before he'd give it to me. Easter eggs from Iceland are WAY cooler than American ones. They each have a bird on top that you keep and there's a little hole cut out in the back that you can take the plug out to find it filled with candy! The caramels were my favorite. But wait, it doesn't stop there, there is also a little saying inside. It's kind of like an Icelandic fortune cookie. So that's my junk... just on one side of my desk. We'll have to save the rest for later. :0)
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