Friday, April 30, 2010

Girl's Night!!

Girl's Night at Keely's ROCKED! Pizza - Delicious. Pretty In Pink - Funny Movie. Jeremiah telling jokes while Holden does rim shots - PRICELESS! After a never-ending day of work at the Marriott, this was EXACTLY what I needed. It was so fun. And I want Keely to be my interior decorator if I ever get my own home. She is beyond crafty. Martha Stewart has nothing on this girl. Fun times!! Oh, as for the pic. This is Keely when she came to visit me and Chef the other day. I told her we'd put her pic up on our wall if they'd pose. We ended up with this wedding photo! :0)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

NO SMOKING ~ At least until later...

Oh this makes me laugh. Sister and I went out and had Mexican Monday night and this was the sign on the door. "No Smoking on SUNDAY until 3 pm". Really?! What the heck is that about? I know there's no alcohol until noon, but what's up with the smoking after 3pm only? That just cracked me up. Why 3pm? Random. :0)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Marriott Shoals' Weapon of Choice

Here is the completed video. I hope that it uploads for you. IT IS HYSTERICAL! WE did it at work one night. Quite possibly we were all delirious becasue it was midnight and we'd all been working all day. It was the most fun I've ever had at work though and we couldn't have had 2 better guys. The tall one is my Chef and the other is my good buddy, Jason. If you haven't ever seen Christopher Walkin's Weapon of Choice Video, you might want to YouTube it first... I think ours is MUCH better though. Especially when you know the goofballs dancing. :0)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Coach Holladay makes CNN!

This pic goes with a hysterical story. And no, I am not in love with the guy in it. Those hearts were on that frame for a guy I did love and have been stuck on there so long I don't think they will ever come off. However, this fellow has been like a father to me since I was about 10, so he holds an equally big place in my heart. The funny part begins a few weeks ago at the Oxford High School Prom. Coach Holladay moved away when I was in 10th grade soon landed the job of Principal of OHS. He's been there ever since. The funny part is that he told the kids that dress code would be enforced at the prom. However, those kids obviously didn't know him as well as we all do and 18 of the girls decided to push his buttons and not obey dress code. It didn't turn out to well for them and it ended up being such a big story that it made the AJC (Atlanta Journal Constitution), CNN, and YouTube. Hil-arious. :0)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Poor Papa!

So I left the camera in the car again and I had a great pic of me and Lover to share with you all today because we once again unknowingly coordinated our outfits at work.. however, I find this one even better! It's an oldie but a goodie. This is by far my favorite pic of Papa. I'm thinking that is not an excited look on his face and judging from the halo that is obviously glowing over my head, I'm sure those cute little pig tails were probably my idea. Fun times. :0)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Good Times!

Just got back from spending the afternoon with my favorite kiddos. Carson and I had a lot of catching up to do. We haven't got to sit and chat in a while so that was fun. He is the funniest and most thoughtful kid. Chloe is wide open all the time! Surprisingly, we ended up at Wal-Mart which is always crazy. This night was especially fun though becasue at some point in the evening, I caught myself sword fighting a 5 year old through the toy section. It was great. :0)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Congrats, Jenn!!!

Congrats to my other sista, Jenn! She had a beautiful baby girl, Anniston Lynn today at 12noon weighing in at 6lbs 15oz. I can't wait to meet her!!! Jenn and I go waaaaaay back and I can't believe she's already a mother of two! She was definitely my partner in crime for most of highschool. She was definitely responsible for getting us into a good deal of trouble, but she always managed to help me get out of it as well. LHS wouldn't have been near as fun without her. Congrats, Sista! Love you!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Birthday, Maddie Kohl!!

How incredibly cute is my little cousin?! Today is Maddie's first birthday! I can't belive she's already one! She looks just like Todd's baby pics. I believe she may turn out to be the prettiest Tittle yet. Big birthday tomorrow. Sister and I bought her present tonight. WE got her a really cool little talking mailbox in honor of Grandmother. Sure to be a hit. :0) Happy B'day, Maddie Kohl!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More Bees!!!

More Bees!! Here are a few other pics from my beekeeping adventure with Steve. These are really good in that you can see the bazillion bees that were buzzing around us. Also there is one of me posing for the camera. It's obvious that as a diva, I took my paparazzi with me. The one that looks as if I am doing nothing is when Steve put me in charge of the sugar water. And yes, I was doing nothing other than watching him and hosing down those bees with sugar water to calm them down. I was quickly fired from that job because much like my Grandmother, I nearly drowned the poor creatures.
It was SO FUN! I can't wait until June when we harvest the honey!! :0)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Girl's Night ~ Congrats Katie!

WE were invaded once more. This time, by my good buddy, Jason Henderson. He's the big goofball of a brother I never had and was very excited to get to enjoy his first Girl's Night with us. We were also celebrating a very important Marriott Day... our very own Katie Boggus has been promoted to the Corporate Level! Sad for us, good for her. It was rather funny in that when we all found out, you would've thought she died. Everyone was walking around with a sad face saying, "Have you heard the news about Katie?" Thinking back, it was hilarious. However, we are all going to be very sad because we won't have our Katie Boggus every week... which also means another faithful member of Girl's Night is leaving us. So sad. Oh well, until that terrible time comes, we will be enjoying our weekly outings. Next week - Crocodile Ed's. :0)
OH, and to recap.. from left to right we have Katie, Jason, Pheebs and Leah.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Me, Steve, and the Bees

How cute is this?! Steve Carpenter and I had a GREAT afternoon as we suited up and loaded our beehives. We had 5 different hives, each with 3 pounds of bees and a queen. I named each queen. There were 30,000 other bees, so that may've been difficult to keep them all straight. However, for the queens, we have
1. Francis
2. Lanore
3. Radine (Named after Grandma of course)
4. Ellie
5. Lucy
Steve has never named a bee, but I convinced him that these needed names. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! We had a blast and didn't even get stung once. We will harvest the honey sometime in June. :0)

Saturday, April 17, 2010


What a perfect day! This was the best Saturday in ages! I drove in and had a fantastic day with Cynthia and Gran. We went to see Aunt Wilma in the Nursing Home, had lunch, went to Wal Mart to get thread to alter my bridesmaid dress, and then came back to Gran's house and took pics by her beatiful blooming bushes. It was so fun. Now it's off to watch Carson play baseball and then dinner at Rice Box! :0)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

All my goodies!!

I am extremely sentimental. I can't throw away anything! SO, this is partly why my desk at work is always a WRECK! However, everything has it's special meaning and I thought I would share a few of them with you. Starting at the top, we have my Hirajacu Music Perfume from Bowser (my boss). It smells really good and it's what he got me for my birthday... a year or two ago. I think the bottle is really cute. She is sitting on top of the Hot Cocoa that Chef got me for either my b'day or Christmas this past year. ONly being 8 days apart I never can remember what I got what for. And the Cocoa was SO GOOD. Chef came in one morning with a pot of hot milk and mixed us up a piping hot cup of deliciousness. It was GREAT! Directly in front of it is my Dean and Deluca Swedish Fish can that Leah brought me back from her trip to NY. I'm pretty sure I've blogged about my love for the Today Show and the fact that Dean and Deluca is located right across from Rockerfella Plaza. To the right is my duck from the Peabody. Pris sent it to us a couple of weeks ago and I keep threatening to put it in our fountain and take it's picture. I think I'll do that next week. Behind the duck is my panda bear. I think he's a collectable. Vickie, our Director of Services, gave me him during the summer olympics. I am a bit patriotic and since the Olympics were in Beijing and he was a Panda, I thought it was only fitting that we name him Michael Phelps after the greatest Olympian and world's greatest swimmer. I told Vickie enroute to him winning 8 gold medals that we were going to have to find him some gold and she came in with the bracelets that are around his neck. The all have a coin on them so it looks like gold medals. HOW COOL IS THAT?! Finally, to the far right we have the absolute greatest most wonderful Easter candy. This is my Chocolate Icelandic Easter Egg that Chef brought me back from Iceland. He made me wait 2 months before he'd give it to me. Easter eggs from Iceland are WAY cooler than American ones. They each have a bird on top that you keep and there's a little hole cut out in the back that you can take the plug out to find it filled with candy! The caramels were my favorite. But wait, it doesn't stop there, there is also a little saying inside. It's kind of like an Icelandic fortune cookie. So that's my junk... just on one side of my desk. We'll have to save the rest for later. :0)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"For bodily exercise profiteth little..." I Tim 4:8

This is my newest form of torture. The Total Body Gym. I've only mentioned 1,000 times by now that I have a wedding to get ready for because MY cousin is getting married! So, in the spirit of flabby arms and a stomach that needs toned, I invested in the Total Body Gym as directed by Walker Texas Ranger aka Chuck Norris. I figure if Walker Texas Ranger can get shot by a guy, chew up some leaves and stick them into the hole left by the bullet, then climb a mountain and karate chop the guy at the top ALL from working out on this machine, surely I can get my chubby behind in shape by July. :0)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jack Jr. (JJ) and ME

My pic today was going to be my Lucky Charms, but instead, I ran across this oldie and thought I'd share my sister's baby with you. This is our JJ. He's about 6 or 7 and Sister has spoiled him absolutely rotten. He's a mess, but we love him. :0)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring has SPRUNG!

So I visited a graveyard today and saw this BEAUTIFUL tree. It hit me that spring has officially sprung. I also had a very good thought. If I ever own a graveyard, which I kinda don't think I will ever do, I would plant weeping willow trees. I just think that is more fitting for the graveyard setting. Just a thought... :0)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Definitely NOT a Williams Sister!

So today, I tried out a sport I've never tackled before. I can play basketball with anybody. Softball, no problem. I've even run in a 10K, but a tennis player I am not. It does not look that difficult on tv. Hit a ball over the net. Softball you hit a ball... it should be the same thing, right? WRONG! I had a pretty good hair day, and Adam agreed I looked cute with a tennis racquet, but I was pretty much declared the absolute worst tennis player ever. I could launch the ball over the fence, or in the other court, but to the spot I was supposed to hit it... I think it made it there once. Venus and Serena have nothing to worry about. :0)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Chef's Creations

Who needs Food Network when we have my Chef! Check out these fabulous fruit/vegetable creations that he made for a group of local school kids today! My absolute favorite is the one with the ducks! Look closely... it's all fruits and veggies. The purple flower in the one with an ear of corn, is made from a purple potato. How cool is that?! I didn't even know he could do this kind of stuff! Chef just added one more notch to his level of coolness today. :0)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Deliciously... unhealthy!

I've found my new favorite chip of choice. These delightful little Cheese Pizza Chips from TGI Fridays can be found at the Dollar Tree for $1. They are fantastic. This is also my late night snack tonight. Now it's off to more glorious fun for my music class. :0)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sista and Meeee!

Well, not a very flattering pic, but here we are in all our Easter glory! Such a fun day with the fam. Nothing exciting to report today other than LONG day at work and all the crazies are out. :0)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter with my Cousins!!!

This is probably my new favorite picutre! How cute are the cousins?! We had a GREAT day at Grandmas today celebrating Easter. In this pic, we have Kimberly, Melanie, Meredith, Mason, Sister, Me and Andrew. Aside from a couple of the boys missing, this is pretty much the crew that grew up together hunting Easter eggs on Grandma's football field and now, we hid them and watched all the new little kids. Fun memories!

Friday, April 2, 2010

First Fridays!!!

First Fridays began tonight! This is a fun filled festival-of-sorts on the first Friday of the month in Florence. Up and down Court Street you will find arts, crafts, street preachers, politicians, musicians and the MARRIOTT SHOALS TABLE complete with Tony, my Chef, Brittni and me. :0) It was fun, but after 12 hours of work, I am exhausted ~ Luckily, Pretty Woman is on!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Road Signs...

Today's post is the main reason that Buddy refuses to let me drive whenever we are together. Having my trusty camera always within arm's reach, whenever I see something worthy of a pic, I just pick up the camera and snap... no matter how fast we're going. Drives him insane. However, let me explain the latest... On the billboard we have my friend, Chris Anderson. How cool is that?! Chris is a few hundred feet above Florence. He's the spokesperson for Young Free Alabama. He is SO NICE! And an all around great guy. LOVE YOU CHRIS! In the other pic we have a car that I saw one day. I have gained the nickname Skittles at work and when I was driving home, I saw this car with a SKITLE license plate. Made me laugh. Happy Thursday! :0)